Automatic Transmission Power Flush
Some manufacturers claim that their transmission fluid will last the lifetime of the transmission. Whilst this statement maybe true if the automatic transmission is operated in near perfect conditions here at Mitsiland we have found that in the majority of cases the performance of the automatic transmission is transformed when an automatic transmission flush is performed.
We have moved away from the more traditional drain and refill technique as we found that as much as 60% of the old oil can still be located in the ancillaries of the transmission such as the torque converter and the transmission lines meaning that small amount of new oil is mixing with the old oil resulting in very little benefit to overall transmission performance.

By including an ATF power flush as part of your vehicles servicing routine (every 3 years / every 30k miles) we have found it is a great preventative measure procedure and can help prolong the life of your gearbox whilst also helping to eliminate issues such as slipping gears, erratic gearchanges, gear selection issues and fluctuating revs when driving (converter slip).
Whilst an ATF power flush is not a one stop fix for all automatic transmission related faults Mitsiland have found that a lot of the more common issues can be rectified with an automatic transmission flush and fill process.
Prices typically start from £200 per flush and will vary dependant on vehicle make, model and the amount of transmission fluid required.